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Montessori Community School is helping all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing an authentic Montessori environment in which students have the resources, support and guidance to construct their learning and development.

At MCS students develop the qualities of perseverance, self-efficacy and a work ethic through a rigorous academic program, community service and independent learning. The Montessori methodology encourages collaboration and team work to develop critical thinking, problem-solving and interpersonal skills. Students are provided many opportunities for choice and creativity, enhancing student ownership of their learning. During their three year cycle in each classroom, students hone leadership and interpersonal skills.

Integrated into the curriculum are field trips into the community for authentic experiences, extended trips lasting three days for students in the Upper Elementary and Middle School, and community service projects of the students’ choice.  MCS offers Algebra I for advanced math students and the opportunity for eighth grade students to take courses for credit at West Ashley High School. After school activities include Running Club, Volleyball, and Baseball. 

Keys to the success of students in a Montessori environment are intrinsic motivation and self-direction. Through the use of work plans and independent work time during the school day, the students practice time-management and practical skills related to life and career success – work completion, cooperation, conflict mediation, focus and self-regulation.

At MCS, classroom teachers have both state certification and a Montessori teaching credential. Many teachers also hold Masters Degrees and National Board certification. Teachers regularly attend professional development on Montessori philosophy and methods and on South Carolina curricula and standards.

MCS embodies a community spirit among students, parents and faculty.  A shared philosophy toward learning and a commitment to Montessori education has enabled us to have a common vision for our MCS students and a strong, positive school culture.

Rachel Young, Principal                                        

Mary Elise Marcy, SIC Chair